How to Fix Defective Tax Returns: Ultimate Guide About Section 139(9)

Fixing your tax returns just got a whole lot easier – I’m about to share the secrets of u/s 139(9) that you can’t afford to miss!

The Income Tax Department already starting to issue notice under section 139(9). Have you ever received a notice under section 139(9) from the Income Tax Authority saying your tax return is “defective”? What does that mean, and what should you do next? We’ll cover in this article how to handle defective income tax returns and what steps to take by you.

A defective income tax return has mistakes, like wrong income reporting or bad tax math. If the department finds these errors, they send a notice under Section 139(9). They ask you to fix the problems by a certain deadline.

There are many reasons you might get a defective notice. It could be wrong income info, bad math, or missing details. The notice will tell you exactly what’s wrong.

When you get this notice, act fast. If you ignore it, you could face more trouble, like extra checks and fines. We’ll look at what you should do next.

Key Takeaways

  • A defective income tax return has errors, like wrong income or bad math.
  • The Income Tax Authority sends a notice under Section 139(9) if they find any problems with your return.
  • It’s important to answer the notice and fix the issues to avoid more trouble.
  • Ignoring the notice can lead to more checks and fines.
  • Learn why you might get a defective notice and how to fix it.

Defective Income Tax Returns: Common Errors and Mistakes

It’s very important to file your taxes correctly. But, many people make mistakes that lead to problems. These mistakes can cause errors, incorrect filings, and even tax issues.

Incorrect Income Reporting

One big mistake is not reporting all your income. This can mean not telling about all your earnings or not counting them right. These mistakes can make your tax return wrong and cause trouble with the tax people.

Faulty Tax Calculations

Another issue is wrong tax math. This might be from mistakes in figuring out deductions, credits, or what you owe. It’s key to check your tax return well to fix any wrong math before you send it in.

It’s crucial to file your taxes right to avoid tax problems. Knowing what mistakes to watch out for helps make sure your taxes are correct and complete.

Consequences of Filing Defective Income Tax Returns

Filing an erroneous tax return or an inaccurate tax declaration can lead to big problems. It can make the tax authorities look closer at your return. If your return is seen as defective, it will get a detailed check and audit.

Tax Return Scrutiny and Penalties

The tax people might give you penalties for tax return mistakes or erroneous tax filings. These can be fines, interest, or even criminal charges for deficient tax documentation or incorrect income reporting. How big the penalties are depends on the mistakes in your return.

Impact on Tax Compliance

Having a defective income tax return can hurt your tax record. Making tax return mistakes or faulty tax declarations can make the tax people watch you closer. This can make it harder to deal with taxes in the future. It can cause more trouble in keeping up with tax compliance.

Tax Return ScrutinyIncreased review and audit by tax authorities
PenaltiesMonetary fines, interest charges, and potential criminal prosecution
Impact on Tax ComplianceDetrimental effect on individual’s tax compliance record, leading to future challenges
Defective Tax Returns

In summary, filing a defective income tax return can lead to big problems. You might face more scrutiny, penalties, and a bad tax record. It’s important to make sure your tax return is right to avoid these issues.

Rectifying Defective Income Tax Returns

Fixing a wrong income tax return is complex, but you can fix errors. You can correct tax return errors, incorrect tax filings, faulty tax calculations, or inaccurate income reporting. The key is to act fast and follow the right steps.

First, find the problem in your tax return. Check your income, tax work, or the info you gave. After finding the issue, you must file a revised tax return, called a “rectified return”3.

To fix your return, you might need to use a revised ITR-1 form. This is for people with income up to INR 50 lakhs from things like jobs, property, and some farming3. Make sure your new return shows the right income, deductions, and taxes owed. This keeps your filing correct and current.

Common Defects in Income Tax ReturnsRectification Measures
Incorrect Income ReportingFile a revised ITR-1 or ITR-2 form with the correct income details
Faulty Tax CalculationsRecalculate the tax liability and submit a revised return
Missed Deductions or ExemptionsClaim the eligible deductions and exemptions in the revised return

You have until one year after the original due date or when you got a notice under Section 139(9)3 to fix your return. If you don’t, you might face more checks, fines, and other problems.

Acting quickly to fix your tax return’s flaws makes sure it’s right, follows the rules, and shows your real finances. This helps avoid tax issues, makes sure you pay the right taxes, and lets you claim what you should.

Defective Tax Returns


Fixing defective income tax returns is key to keeping your taxes right. Knowing common mistakes like wrong income reports and bad tax math4 helps you fix them. This way, you avoid tax trouble and fines5.

This article highlights the need for correct and full tax filings. It tells you how to fix any mistakes and why a good tax record is good for you. By fixing tax issues, you protect your money and show you’re serious about taxes6.

Getting your taxes right is a must and good for your finances. By watching out for and fixing tax return errors, you dodge the bad stuff that comes with wrong filings. This leads to better financial health and peace of mind6.


What is a defective income tax return?

A defective income tax return has errors or mistakes. This includes wrong income reporting or incorrect tax calculations.

What is a notice under section 139(9)?

The Income Tax Department issues a notice under section 139(9). This is when a tax return is found to be defective.

What are the common errors in income tax returns?

Common errors include wrong income reporting and incorrect tax calculations.

What other types of errors can be found in defective income tax returns?

Besides wrong income reporting, defective returns also have incorrect tax calculations.

What are the consequences of filing a defective income tax return?

Filing a defective return can lead to more scrutiny from tax authorities. It may also result in penalties. This can negatively affect your tax compliance record.

How can a defective income tax return be rectified?

Unfortunately, the sources don’t give details on fixing a defective return.

1 thought on “How to Fix Defective Tax Returns: Ultimate Guide About Section 139(9)”

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